Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Royal Outing

Yesterday we had our first Royals outing of the year, celebrating it at my company's tailgate and taking in a day game at the K. It's always a gamble how the day is going to pan out - we have been to a number of tailgates with my office over the years and they have ranged from decent to catastrophic. Mira had a couple of bad years, where she was absolutely miserable, thus we have ended up leaving in the second inning or sometimes even earlier. Other years, the kids have lasted a bit longer, but not much. Yesterday however, I think all of the stars aligned, the kids did great, and we lasted 7 innings. Constantly occupying everyone with cotton candy, frozen lemonades, hot dogs, and popcorn I think helped the cause. Mira finally started getting fussy in the 7th, probably because she just wanted out of her chair or just wanted a change of scenery. The minute we started moving, her mood improved greatly. We meandered through the team store and got Mira a pink Royals shirt and headed out shortly thereafter. Ironically, the game went into extra innings, with the Royals finally winning in the 13th. We were able to watch the end of the game at home, while Mira finally got some down time in her bed.

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